I have said the phrase time and time again throughout this trip, but I truly did have the best day ever on my last full day in South America.
Los porteños: Maxi, Marcelo, y Omar
Bonnie and I reunited with Omar and Marcelo, our porteño amigos we met in Bolivia, and hung out with bit last time we were in Buenos Aires. Their travel buddy, Maxi, picked us up and we went to a park for an asado (barbeque), and Argentines love their meat. That's probably an understatement.El asado
Lost in Tigre
Omar, bless his train-loving heart, even gave Bonnie and I magnets to remember Buenos Aires, and hopefully come back to travel some day (the guys want to rent a motor home and go through Patagonia in 3 weeks. Sounds like fun!). Best day ever.