Sunday, February 3, 2013

The Pool

In honor of my freezing Minnesota friends and family ( reported -27 Fahrenheit when I checked last night/MN early morning), let me mention the pool.

It is simple, not too deep, and the coy statues spit into it.

But, it's fabulous to lie in the sun and read for class, and refresh myself with a dip in the pool when the heat becomes oppressive (generally in the 80s Fahrenheit).

The pink floatie made an appearance to the pool (life is so much better with a floatie!).

More often than not I find myself playing with my classmate, Nirja, and the instructor's three kids than reading.

And it's January!

Little India

Little India is a small part of Singapore with, you guessed it, a higher Indian population.

 It was a relief to get out of the mall district (somewhat of the Capitol from the Hunger Games) and find something less western more eastern.

The buildings were very colonial, there were temples with colorful gods who sometimes were animals or had multiple arms, and there were touristy markets (always fun to walk through, I bought a purse with elephants on it).

We found a market with fresh vegetables, fruits and fish (I avoided that part).

My favorite part was the chai tea.  It is served hot, and is basically black tea with condensed milk and various spices (I never knew this before coming here).  Very good!  And good for you.  (Probably not, I made that up.)

Arab Quarter

My favorite part of town, Kampong Glam, or the Arab quarter.

It is slightly hipster, has a giant mosque (The Sultan Mosque), and many little boutiques to window shop in (if you're into that kind of thing).

 The prices of touristy things are actually a bit cheaper, too.

One Giant Mall

Singapore is not built on the ground, but on malls.

Malls that put the Mall of America to not only shame, but disgrace.

Multiple stories into the sky AND the ground, these malls are absolutely everywhere.

I get off the MRT (the subway system), and find myself in an underground mall.  I take several escalators up, I'm still in a mall.  I finally make it outside, and across the street are two more malls.

 Do these people do anything but shop?